Blog Archives

Christmas Crates – Help Us Make a Difference

Today whee are doing a slightly different post. With all the negativity in the world recently whee would like to ask you to please consider joining us in doing something positive, in the spirit of Christmas giving.

It’s called “Christmas Crates” and you can read more about it here.

Essentially it is a reversed advent calendar. Instead of opening a door and getting something every day of advent, you put something in a box instead for a charity or cause of your choice. This time of year is a difficult time for anyone, animal or hooman, that needs a charity to help them survive and get by. So whee would like to ask you to pledge (using the link here) to make a Christmas Crate of your own for a charity or a cause local to you and/or close to your heart.

You could collect blankets, food, bedding, and toys for a animal shelter.

Image result for donations for animal rescue

You could collect cans, packets and non perishable foods for a local food bank.

Image result for christmas donations for food bank

You could collect coats, gloves, socks, hats and unopened toiletries for a homeless charity.

Image result for box of clothes for charity

It can be for any worthy cause you can think of. Simply find out what they are looking for and put it in the crate every day of December to donate on Christmas Eve. You can do it at home with your family, with a team at your place of work, at a local church or club. Anywhere where people want to come together to help others.

Whee really hope you will all join us in doing this. Even if you cannot get involved yourself, please share this to let others know about it.

Don’t forget to “pledge” your crate on the link above to show you are going to be doing it and who you’re doing it for.

Thank you, and our post will be back to normal tomorrow!

Squeak soon

Nacho and Noah


Noah Needs You

We have rushed to the vet this morning after Noah had an accident. He has shattered a tooth and hurt his jaw. The teeth have been trimmed into line and he has had some pain relief but whee need him to eat tonight. Keep paws crossed please!!


This isn’t the best start to Christmas in the Hutch household but whee are hoping things will improve

Merry Christmas efurryone. Whee hope you have a safe, happy one wherever you are! 🙂


Merry Christmas Mischief [Poem]

imageAre you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin

It’s getting close to Christmas
And all through the hutch
The guinea pigs are squeaking
About veggies and such.

The ribbons which once
Hung over tree, hall and door
Are now torn to pieces
All over the floor.

And the baubles we lovingly
Placed on the tree
Are now somehow scattered
On the floor, running free.

Those stockings laid out
In a neat little row
Now have a hole
For each and every toe.

I’m sure of the culprits
Those eyes have me convinced
That each little piggy
Is some mischievous Grinch!

The paper chains are shredded,
The gift wrap is torn
Yet I cannot help smiling
Ready for Christmas morn.

They’ve taught me something
As they chewed on my glove,
That it’s about family, fun
And most of all, lots of love.

Happy Festive Friday to all!



Paperchain Making With The Hoomans

Of all the Pigmas crafts and things we help out with, paperchain making is by far the most fun! Afterall, what’s more exciting than running through the neatly cut strips of paper and flicking them into the air?

Last night I helped Mummy and littlest hooman creating these festive decorations. I think I have a real eye for interior design (I’m always moving things around my cage!) so I was obviously very helpful and made lots of helpful mess!

How are you helping your hoomans with Pigmas preparations?

Happy Thursday


It Feels Like The FIRst Time!

This is not my first Pigmas, it’s actually my second and Buddy’s third and whee were wheeking today over how funny it is that Nacho and Noah are so excited. I said that it still feels like my first Pigmas. I’m still furry squeaky and interested in efurrything. From the tree (which I have learnt to live with), to the lights, the tinsel and the suicidal angel on the top of our tree (she has a habit of throwing herself off the top of the tree when hoomans walk passed. Mummy says she must have been at the sherry.)

I get so excited about all the things I see. Last night Mummy crept passed with a bag and winked telling  me to not squeak a word about it to anyfurry else. But you guys aren’t just anyfurry right?!

Buddy says they might have contained our Pigmas presents. I really hope they did, they smelled really tasty. Like herbs and vegetables!

What are you hoping to get for Pigmas? It’s nearly here!



Stocking Up – A Pigmas Vlog

Well Friday has finally arrived and whee are ready for the wheekend! Late today the hoomans Auntie arrives on a scare-o-plane (Mummy told us it’s an areoplane but those live in the sky so whee have decided this one is scary!) all the way from the hot land with kangaroos and koalas. Whee saw pigtures of them in a book Mummy looked at last night!

Anyway, whee going off point now! With things here going to be busy, whee wanted to show you some of the other things whee have been up to in the lead up to Pigmas . . . Enjoy!

Merry Pigmas efurryone and have a fab Friday!

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

Dear Santa Paws

Dear Santa Paws,

I know I haven’t been the best behaved little pig this year but I have tried to be good for the past hour at least.

So I have been thinking about what I would like for Pigmas. I did want the cardboard castle from Pets at Home but them Mummy told me a story and I changed my mind.

Once upon a time, not very far away from us some piggies were abandoned in a box. They were all sick and pregnant and soon after babies were born. And those piggies, Mumma’s and Bubba’s are safe and warm and cared for in a rescue but they don’t have the one thing efurrypig deserves; A loving furever castle for Pigmas.

So Santa, if you can forgive my diva days and naughtiness, please can you give a home to all the animals in rescues?

Whee are taking part in a special Secret Santa this year, sending gifts to piggies who will be in a rescue over the festive period. Maybe you can ask the reindeers and elves if they wouldn’t mind sending a secret something to their local shelter or rescue?

Hoping you and Mrs Paws are well

Lots of love
1st cage on the right, England

Thoughful Thursday – Remembering

Sometimes it is nice to look back and remember things. And not even in that sad bittersweet way but in an amazed, look how you’ve grown way. I’ve changed a lot since I was a baby and today Mummy found a little memory card of photos she thought she had lost.

When going through then whee found these photos of me on the day I met Nibbles (about an hour after as we were spent that in a neutral space with no cameras allowed!!) I was only a very small baby, six weeks old and the runt of my litter. They said I looked more like a gerbil or degu than a guinea pig but Mummy instantly loved me and Nibbles took to me too!

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Have a thoughtful Thursday.



Our Nativity!

Still having wordpress issues but here is our Nativity!





Who would you be in our nativity? Mummy says her favourite person is the Inn Keeper. He/She has the most important part. If he/she decides to not offer the stable or suddenly finds them a room then it completely wrecks what happens next!

Who did you play in your school plays? Mummy said she once played Rudolph, a Christmas Cracker, an Angel and her favourite was Melody Mouse (long story!). So what was your favourite that you played or who do you want to play?

Hope you had a lovely Pigmass and Boxing Day!

Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

Our Pigmass In Pigtures!

Our Pigmass in pigtures. Whee recieved some wonderful things! New water bottles, Pigmass shaped wooden chews, treats, and some fleece cushions – red with owls printed on them – hand stitched by Mummy!

Nibbles and Nutty's Swag!

Nibbles and Nutty’s Swag!


With our wooden chews!

With our wooden chews!











Buddy takes his pick!

Buddy takes his pick!

Buddy and Basil's Swag!

Buddy and Basil’s Swag!




Basil and Buddy enjoying their new cushion!

Basil and Buddy enjoying their new cushion!