Monthly Archives: February 2016

Whee are pleased to announce…

Noah has been given the all clear! Despite the fact they were so sure he was going to lose his eye they made the consultation we went to with the surgeon he has shown his fighting spirit and his eye is back to normal!

They did think his sight might still be affected but otherwise he is his usual naughty self again!


The biggest thing whee want hoomans to take from this is that quick veterinary treatment can really make all the difference for guinea pigs. Piggies are very good at hiding injuries and illness because as whee are prey animals, whee have to be! Even with going on the day of the injury to see the vet Noah still very nearly lost his eye. (Not that whee think he would have minded being a pirate piggy!!)

If you think there’s is something not quite right then it’s always best to get it checked. You can check our health check page to see if you can spot any signs that something might be wrong.

How was efurryones Valentines wheekend?

Hope you had a great one!

Nacho, Noah, Buddy and Basil

An Update on Noah – Whee Need Your Help

Whee are so sorry for the lack of updates. After Noah started to make an improvement he then suddenly went downhill again and looked much worse.

Another vet trip later and he has new eye drops to try to help but he really hates them. He does however still like the painkillers and takes them like a champ!

As you can probably see, his eye is very sore and he is not himself. So whee would like to ask you, on this soggy Saturday, please tell us your funniest animal related jokes or stories so I can try to cheer my fluffy little cagemate up

Whee hope you have a great Saturday and please keep Noah in your thoughts on Wednesday as that is when he goes back to the vets.

Squeaks and whiffles


Well Eye Never!

Well I’m finally feeling a bit better and hooman has asked me to write a little post to let you all know! It’s amazing the trouble a little bit of hay and a scratch can do to an eye though.

So what happened…Well Mummy saw a little bit of hay on my eye during morning snuggles and cleaned it out. By the evening my eye had gone cloudy blue, was weeping and I couldn’t really see. She rushed me to the vet and by some strange coincidence another piggy had been in that day with the same injury. Unfortunately for that other little piggy their eye was so bad they had to have it removed. I am quite lucky that I have the chance to try eyedrops and painkillers.

So far Mummy has noticed an improvement in my eye. The blue colour is mostly gone and it’s no longer bloodshot. I am much more bright in myself but still a little unwell so paws crossed I am back to normal soon!

I feel like this pigture sums up how I feel right now:


How are you spending this Tuesday?

Whatever you are doing, have a great day!
