Monthly Archives: January 2015

Dumped Not Disposable – How Can We Stop This Happening?

It’s not often news stories makes Mummy truly angry but a recent couple did just that.

One was on ITV news and regarding an appeal for information after two guinea pigs were dumped in woods in Dorset.


Taken from ITV News story, credit to RSPCA


These two defenceless little guys were found in the woods by a member of the public who stayed with them until an RSPCA animal collection officer was able to collect them. In doing so, the member of the public showed more care than their owner had and I’d like to applaud them for it. Had the owner shown the same humanity they would never have left them there.

The news story described them as cold and wet and one as having badly matted hair. But did say they are now safe and recovering from their ordeal.

The second story said was in Cornwall and again, involved guinea pigs abandoned in the cold. You can read their story here.

Frustratingly, many rescues and shelters here in the UK will take animals without judgement or too many questions. Even leaving them at a vet surgery would have been preferable to dumping them in the woods, where someone was lucky to happen upon them, in the freezing cold and damp conditions.

How anyone can do this is beyond us. Mummy wouldn’t even take us outside in this weather unless to the vets or in an emergency! Even then we would be wrapped up warm with heat pads!

The question whee would like to put to you all today is; how do you, personally, think we can stop this from happening again? How can we change the idea that pets are disposable?

Is it through education? Laws? Or something more radical like compulsory pet registration or neutering?

Whee would love to learn your views

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


PS. Anyone with information on the two piggies mentioned in the first story should contact the RSPCA inspector information line on 0300 123 8018.

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday – Cuddling Cotton Tail


Meet Cotton Tail, my new cuddle bunny toy!

Do you have a toy you love to snuggle and bite and chew on? Happy Wednesday efurryone!


Guinea Pig New Year Resolutions

So whee all know hoomans are weird and they have odd rituals and things they do. Mummy was telling us about a thing called a resolution. Apparently, it’s a promise you make at the start of the year to do through the year. She wrote a bloggy resolution to focus on helping people more and answering more questions.

Now whee don’t normally do this but she has suggested whee come up with good behaviour resolutions ourselves. So here goes:

IMG_1384I, Basil, do solemnly swear that this year I . . .

Will stop making the hoomans play poop hide and seek. (I now accept that they don’t find it funny seeking the poops I throw in their slippers)

IMG_0705I, Buddy, do solemnly swear that this year I . . .

Will stop trying to sabotage my own weight loss by eating Basil’s share of vegetables too (even though it’s not my fault he eats so slowly and I’m a very hungry guinea pig!)


Me demonstrating my relaxed pose for when the fireworks don't bother me!I, Nacho, do solemnly swear that this year I . . .

Will try to be more fearless during floortime. (But I know the bookcase is out to get me though, so I’ll only be fearless everywhere else!)

IMG_0381I, Noah, do solemnly swear that this year I . . .

Will try not to be such a naughty nibbler and stop biting bars, people, clothing, plastic, metal, sofas, cushions, plates. But I’m not giving up biting toes. That’s way too much fun!

Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions? Do your pets?

Would you set a resolution for your hooman? If so what would you suggest?

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


Can You Put a Price On a Life?

Normally whee would write the blog post but today Mummy wants to talk to you. Take it away hooman!

A story hit the press over here in the UK a few days ago which has caused mixed reactions. From disbelief, to some enthusiastic cheering.

Where would you stand? Is it worth £300 to save a goldfish’s life? (That’s $456.69 for our oversea friends!)

Vet Faye Bethell operating on a devoted pet owner's constipated goldfish. The three inch fish made a full recovery after the 50-minute, £300 operation

Vet Faye Bethell operating on a devoted pet owner’s constipated goldfish. The three inch fish made a full recovery after the 50-minute, £300 operation Photo: SWNS

People are struggling to understand how anyone could become that attached to an animal.

I may not understand the relationship he shares with his goldfish, but I absolutely applaud and defend his right save it. Not much is known about this man but whatever his reasons he chose to protect the life of his little finned friend.

I have been criticised by someone for the amount I’ve spent on Noah after his teeth incident. I’m not going to go in specifics but it wasn’t even close to £300. However, even if it had cost that, I would have paid it.

When you take on a pet you are making a promise; to always protect and care for them.

I have a “piggy bank” (pun intended!) of money to spend for vet trips and a plan in place should I not be able to afford something. I think this is something all pet owners should have.

Do you have a “piggybank”? What are your thoughts on this news story?

Have a great day efurryone!

The Hooman


Cuddle (A Poem)


One of our little hoomans recently started a poetry blog and whee asked him if he would write us a poem for our blog 🙂

He said yes and whee now have “Cuddle” to share with you!


Outstretched arms
for warm embrace,
I run away,
I love the chase.

They follow me
with eager palms,
I’m lifted high
in Mother’s arms.

She carries me,
I feel secure,
Her hands around me,

We sit and cuddle,
I watch TV,
the others come
to cuddle me.

I yawn and sleep,
in Mother’s lap,
No better time,
to take a nap.

The life I lead,
in luxury,
with many hands,
to cuddle me.

I want to write this thank you note,
else in hay, all day, I’d dig
More hugs for me
More hugs for you
yours sincerely,

Guinea Pig

What do you think? Whee would love it if you could check out his blog.

Happy Sunday efurryone

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

What a Year – 2014 in Review!

The stats helper monkeys wrote us the report of what the last year has brought to our blog.

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 32,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 12 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Whee had hoomans from a mind boggling 106 countries click on our blog!

Click here to see the complete report.

Whee cannot thank you all enough for travelling this journey of a year with us. Whee have loved and lost, and moved hutches and seen heartbreak and shared with so many bloggers who mean so very much to us.

From the bottom of our hearts whee want to thank you. All of you!

However, wordpress helped us single out 5 who have been closest to us:

onespoiledcat Whee don’t know what whee would be without you and your hooman Sammy. Even in some of the saddest times on the blogosphere, you always knew just what to say and do. If whee had to say one blog that whee simply would not be without, it would be yours. Mad as it sounds, Mummy truly feels like she knows you. And even though whee don’t always comment and whee aren’t always here, yours is the first blog whee check when whee come back. Whee hope 2015 brings your FURmily all the happiness and good health you deserve!

Nylabluesmum Though 2014 was a tragic year for you, it also brought a little miracle in the form of Siddhartha. The loss of Nylablue was felt so keenly across the blogosphere. Whee cannot thank you enough for being here for us despite the pain you went through and we pray that 2015 brings you only peace and happiness.

fozziemum Is it crazy that whee think of you like an Aunt? A fun, photograph-taking, always-there, kind and selfless Aunt? Whee are sure whee aren’t the only one’s. Whee love following your blog and seeing all that goes on around you. Your photographs are brilliant and transport us across the world so whee feel as though whee are right there with you! May 2015 bring you many more beautiful memories and happiness.

Kyla This year was an amazing one when you think about it. The celebration of Kyla’s life before her passing was one of the most beautiful and fun things whee have seen in a long time. Kyla was truly a one of a kind. Whee hope that 2015 brings you happy times and whee want you to know how much whee care for you.

easyweimaraner Our “go-to” for funny, this year hasn’t been easy on you either (forgive the pun!) With your Daddy hooman ill it has been such a worrying time for you. And still you put a smile on our faces and brighten our day everytime whee visit. Whee don’t know how you do it but whee want you to know you’re an inspiration to us all!

Please forgive the mushyness of this post. Mummy feels like whee don’t always get a chance to tell efurryone how much whee appreciate them so whee just had to today!!

Have a fab Friday efurryone, and if you don’t already know them, check out the above furfriends, they are the kindest most amazing blogging buddies you could hope to meet!

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


Happy New Year Efurryone!

Whee may have fallen off the face of the Hutch . . .

Whee may have had furry naughty staff who did not keep up with our blog posts . . .

But whee would like to wish you all a furry Happy New Year!!


Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil