Blog Archives

Bag Biting Buddy

So Basil shared with you his habit of sitting in bags and now I feel I need to tell you about my recent bag-related-issue. Whee get floor time on a regular basis, which is where the hoomans put us on the floor and let us roam about and play in our pairs. Typically I find a warm spot (on the rug or by a hooman) and refuse to run about on the cold laminate floor.

Then, on Monday, I noticed it. The moutain like beast of a bag sat there, waiting for me. The straps were just begging to be nibbled. I ran over, surprising the hoomans with the speed I was able to move considering I don’t normally like to do anything!

I bit down, and it was as satisfying as I had expected!

“Buddy!” came the hoomans disapproving voice.

I glanced innocently over my shoulder in time to spot the flashy box going off in her hands.

Bother! I was caught out! There’s no denying the photographic evidence, but in my defense, they never specifically told me I wasn’t allowed to eat that bag…


How would you defend me if you were defending me in court?! Can you recommend a good lawyer with to be paid in fruit and veg?

Hope you’re having a great wheek!



Meme Monday – Lettuce Be Friends

I just really like vegetables . . .


What’s your weakness? 🙂


Black and White Sunday – Bag of Basil

I have recently developed a habit which the hooman say is bound to end in trouble. I like bags. I like sitting on bags, climbing into bags, being one with the bag. The hoomans think one day I might end up going out with them if I get into a bag and they don’t notice!


Do you have a habit that could get you in trouble?

Happy Sunday


Saturday Stay Bowl Review

So you may or may not know but Buddy has a very naughty habit of tipping the food bowl over and throwing it all over the cage. Not only is this messy and means the cages needs cleaning out more reguarly but also, Basil doesn’t like eating food that has been on the floor so he has been going hungry.

I have searched and search for a solution and I have found it in the Stay Bowl! Initially it sounded like a bit of a gimmick. A bowl that is tip proof? Sure…

But for $9.95 (which roughly £6.80) where was the harm in giving it a try?

So it didn’t take too long and arrived with a lovely note.

The size was good. A lot of people tend to over feed their piggies but these bowls allow for good portion control. So I filled it up, put it in and kept my fingers crossed!

Buddy had a good go a trying to bite the edges and tip it over. At one point a worried Basil stepped on it to keep it in place!

But true to it’s promise the stay bowl, stayed upright!

So what are my thoughts?

Price: Great, pretty much the same price a good quality normal bowl

Appearance: The blue was great and matches their cage. It actually holds more than it looks and can contain the perfect portion size.

Thoughts: It actually works! It’s been four days since we started using the stay bowl and so far no spills or messes made!

Rating: 10 paws up out of 10!

Buddy disagrees and wants to give it a much lower rating…


I guess he’s going to have to find another naughty habit to wind us all up!

Have you got a product that you love that solved a problem for you? Any products you’d recommend for piggies?

Have a great Saturday



Pushy Piggy!

So yesterday the hooman asked you to take guesses at what I had been up to the previous evening that was so naughty. Plenty of you had brilliant ideas but no one guessed exactly the mischeif fun I had.

Now I don’t know about you but sometimes I like to pretend to be a hooman. So that night instead of cuddling in my usual spot on Mummy’s lap, I climbed off onto the sofa next to her. She said I was looking extra cute as I snuffled around the cushions. I lay down and stretched myself out to my full length as I’d seen the hooman do before when she wanted to claim a sofa as her own.

Then I realised I was at a slight height disadvantage! So I gently “encouraged” Mummy to get up.

“Now that’s not quite how it happened Basil-“

She was quite happy to move onto the floor and make way for me after a few gentle nudges…

“I think you’ll find I wasn’t that happy about-“

She got up and sat on the comfy floor. The other hoomans were quite accepting of my human dominance also.

“Well with you rumbling, biting my clothes and trying to dig your nose under me and flick up, I didn’t really have much choice! Plus you tried to nip anyone who wanted to sit down on the sofa near you, even though there was plenty of room!”


I don’t know what you are talking about hooman, I was furry comfortable!

Does anyone else like to pretend to be something else once in awhile? What are you up to today?

Happy Thursday!



What Has He Been Up To? (Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Any guesses what naughty thing Basil was doing last night? Here’s a selfie with him at the scene of the crime…


Hope you’re having a great Wednesday. What are you up to today?


A Beautiful Buddy Scarf

So whee may not be known for our style but I think you’ll all agree that whee guinea piggies make excellent scarves!


This is my new favourite place to sit when snuggling the hoomans. Up on their shoulder “parrot-like” as the hoomans say, or tucked behind their head but still up high and able to see everything that’s going on. Mummy calls me nosey pig!

Whee all have our little quirks I suppose. Basil likes to be on your lap looking around. Nacho like to be under your chin hiding from the scary stuff and Noah likes to clamber all over you and then when he gets bored climb off and sit next to you or go exploring.

Where’s your favourite place to sleep or sit?

Happy Tuesday efurryone


Make You Think Monday – Caption Contest

A little brain teaser for you all on this fine Monday morning. Can you come up with a caption for this pigture?


Hope you all had a great wheekend! What did you get up to?

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

Black And White Sunday -Sweet Smile

Mummy always says I have a sweet smile. She likes to sing the song from the musical Annie “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!


What is your favourite feature of yourself? It’s furry impawtent to remember to love yourself

Have a super smiling Sunday!



Saturday Snuggles

Whee may have our disagreements but whee do love each other really as this snuggling pigture proves. Whee love snuggling with the hoomans in front of the TV in the evenings!


How are you spending your Saturday?

Nacho & Noah
