Monthly Archives: May 2014

Super Stylish Saturday!

So as you know, whee are all complete style icons so when Mummy asked us to wear this cute little hat she found at The London Pet Show last wheekend, whee jumped to it. What do you think of the results?





What’s your style? Have a great Saturday efurryone

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

Funny Fur Friday

Alright Mummy cornered me and tidied up my haircut. By popular request whee have a pigture of my now short haired behind!


I’m still not impressed but it doesn’t look as bad anymore. Plus whee discovered I have a little blonde patch!


So I’m happy and ready for the wheekend! Have you got anything fun planned?

Happy Friday


Thoughtful Thursday

As you have probably heard Noah had a hair cut on Sunday and he is still not happy. What he neglected to mention was that my booty also had a trim to prevent knots forming round my grease gland. I’m not as sensitive as Noah so I don’t mind people seeing my butt Noah’s tactics of hiding are getting more extreme. Take the below pigture for example. I was asleep in our little tent when he came running in with Mummy and the camera hot on his heels. I wheeked crossed as he reversed his bottom underneath me to hide it. Mummy thought it was hilarious. Me? Not so much.


How can I help Noah not hate his haircut? How would you boost his confidence?

Have a great Thursday efurryone!



Wordless Wednesday – BFF’s!



Best furfriends forever.

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Buddy & Basil

Monday Moan

She said it was to make me feel lighter for the hot weather. She said I would look fine.

She lied.

My booty may be light enough that I can feel air where I haven’t since I was tiny but that is no excuse for the mess Mummy made of my haircut.

I do not recommend her skills.

Here is a pigture of before she butchered my booty:


I am too ashamed to share an after right now! What have you got to moan about this Monday?

On the upside, the sunny weather is lovely here!!

What are you up to today?


Sunny Sunday Warning – When Water Bottles Go Bad

This has left our me quite upset but I needs to share it so other people keep a look out for it too.

This morning when the little hoomans were changing the water they noticed that Nacho and Noah has hardly drunk a thing and were lying around in the cage appearing quite listless. I immediately realised they were dehydrated and began syringing water into them. Very quickly they perked up and returned to their normal selves in under twenty minutes.


Looking much brighter

I then had to try and work out how they could have become dehydrated with a full bottle of cool water in it’s usual place on the cage when yesterday was one of the hottest days of the year so far here.

Answer? A broken water bottle.

Yes, I couldn’t believe it either but it appears that a piece of food, it looks like carrot, had somehow got itself stuck behind the ball bearing in the bottle and resulted in it not letting water out. With it now removed the whole thing works much better but I did pop out quickly and buy three water bottles so now both cages have two each and there is a spare if one does break.

Luckily there was no lasting damage but with the weather warming up the chances of heatstroke occurring are much higher and without water it could have been a very different story.

The most frightening thing is we clean the bottle with a bottle brush and rinse it through once a week to prevent this and that happening. We did that yesterday morning, yet somehow during the day it still happened. Please check your piggies water morning and evening, especially in hot weather.

If you need advice on how to deal with or prevent heatstroke in guinea pigs we have a page here.

Stay safe this Sunday efurryone

~ Amy (AKA The Hooman)

5 Things You Should Never Say To A Guinea Pig Pawrent

Whee have seen a few of these around the blogosphere so last wheek whee started putting together a list of things some hoomans say that annoy Mummy.


1. “So how are your hamsters?” You know it’s sweet that they care but seriously how hard is it to remember the animal?! Our Mummy doesn’t say so ‘How is your dog’ about your cat!

2. “Why take them to the vet, you could buy a new one for that amount.” This one actually ticks Mummy off the most.  Why do you take YOUR pet to the vet?  Because they are part of your family and they can’t be replaced. Just because they are smaller doesn’t make them less worthy of care when sick.

3. “Guinea pigs are such boring pets.” Like anything else in life you get out what you put in. Leave them in a cage 24/7 and they are not going to be inclined to play and be trained.  If your piggy doesn’t do anything it’s because you aren’t stimulating them.

4. “Guinea pigs are children’s pets.” Alright, yes they do make great kids pets (as long as a parent takes responsibility for their care) but they didn’t reach being one of the top five owned pets just because of that.  They are fun, engaging pets with lots of pigsonality. Why wouldn’t everyone want them?!

5. “It’s just a guinea pig.” Is your dog just a dog? Your cat just a cat? Your child just a kid? Our hooman would never dream of being so insulting but some people have no filter!


What things do people say about your pet that annoy you?

Have a fab Friday


Kick It Up A Nacho!

The sun has returned and whee are just loving it. It happened overnight. Literally. Whee just woke up yesterday to glorious sunshine and then again today. It’s lovely being able to play in the garden and enjoy the weather.

Whee have been told it’s straw hat day today which is perfect for the summery sunny weather but Mummy couldn’t quite imagine me wearing one so she helped me find this lovely stylish baseball cap instead!


Happy straw hat day and all the other summer hats!

Have a great day


Wordless Wednesday – Sleeping It Off



BlogPaws is over and even though I didn’t go,  I need time to sleep it off!


Come Sail Away

Ahoy there Sea Dogs/Cats/Piggies/Capybaras/Bunnies etc, Cap’n Basil here.

Thanks for sailing with us today.

Our first port of call is to tell you to get aboard the Pig Love express and read me ship-mates great answers to pet problems right here, argh!! Be sure to let Bacon know what you think.

Second port whee are docking in is the Marina of Bailey the Boat Cat. As you probably know, his hoomans got a book published about him and whee ordered a copy. It arrived early this morning and whee just can’t wait to sit down and read it. When whee have finished whee will be adding our paws to his map here, you should too! Well shiver me timbers, isn’t all this exciting


Happy Tuesday efurryone!

Cap’n Basil
