Blog Archives

The Bath Before Pigmas

So the hooman bathed us before Pigmas so whee would smell nice but she wasn’t very well so didn’t get a chance to upload it. Anyway, here it is, our water torture!!

The shampoo used is a special edition Pigmas one called Christmas Spice from Gorgeous Guineas which the hooman claims is part of a gift to us this Pigmas but whee are not sure. She says it’s actually a gift to the whole family really as no one needs to put up with our stinky smell anymore! The cheek of it.

Though the shampoo is really good Mummy didn’t like the smell at all so she is going to be picking a different one to test next time and see if she can find one that smells nice and works well.

Hope efurryone had a great Pigmas

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


Wordless Wednesday – Cold Outside

Too cold to play outside for very long today . . .


Happy Wednesday efurryone

Nacho & Noah


Stop Giving Me Choices!!

IMG_6715Well Mummy has been unhappy with the quality of our current hay supplier and after having two batches that just weren’t good enough she went on the hunt for a new supplier. (The hay was dusty and had lots of sticks and UFO’s – Unidentified funny objects!)

There are lots of options and suppliers out there but following recommendations Mummy looked at Hay For Pets.

They did a special little thing where they send you testers of all three types of hay that they do. Meadow Hay, Timothy and Rye and Ings Hay. After a little thought she sent off for it.

Here is what happened when whee taste tested:

There was lots of Basil and Nacho climbing around but each eventually settled to eating the Ings Hay. Nacho was the most thoughtful about it and wandered along checking each one and sniffing it, then went back and ate strands from each. He hovered between the Timothy and Rye and the Ings for a little while but eventually settled on Ings. Probably because I was at that one but oh well! The Ings was the only hay that both pairs of us finished so Mummy has decided to order that one!

Did your hoomans have to get you to taste test lots of different foods to find the perfect one for you? Are you a fussy eater? Do you do a Buddy and sit in your food to make sure no one steals any?!!

Happy Saturday efurryone, and remember stay safe tonight with the firework displays.



Do You Love Piggies?!

Do you love/have/want piggies? Then whee have a site that might be useful to you! One of our hoomans favourite online hangouts The Guinea Pig Forum!

The background should be green but wordpress has decided they don’t like green today!

If you love piggies they have the Your Stories and Photos Section Where you can post about your own piggies or follow other piggies antics. (You wouldn’t believe some of the things whee have read on there!)

If you have piggies then the Guinea Pig Care Discussion Section is an absolute godsend in times of need. The Health and Illness Section has great resource ‘sticky’ pages and a wealth of members knowledge to advise you. (To quote our most recent time, was when Basil hurt his claw it was previous advice on there that helped us) The Behaviour Section really helps you understand the needs of your piggies and the stickies there include how to introduce piggies and read signs of dominance. It was where Mummy learnt all she knows about introducing us and whee have turned out alright! (ish!)

If you want piggies then you can learn everything you need to know beforehand and ask questions which piggy owners, including our hooman, will answer. The General Chat and Other Pet sections mean piggies aren’t the only focus and you can introduce all your other pets!

They also do great fundraising events for guinea pig rescues including the newly started monthly photo contest and one of the highlights of our hoomans year, Secret Santa for rescue piggies. A great idea that has been done there for a few years now. You sign up and then are sent the details of a piggy that is stuck in a rescue of Pigmass. You then put together a bundle of gifts which can be toys, treats, or anything else you might want to give to the piggy to make their Pigmass special. Whee are definitely doing it again, though somefurry needs two talk Buddy out of wanting to send pigtures of himself to the ladypigs! It took a lot to stop him last year!

So why not sign up, introduce yourself whether you are a bit interested and just starting out or have years of knowledge, whee know you would enjoy being part of such a great community. Whee hope to see you there! Our username is *Nibbles&Nugget* named after Mummy’s first two piggies!

Have a great Thursday

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


Disclaimer – Although TheGuineaPigForum requested a mention on the blog all views and opinions expressed are our own and whee were not paid in any way for this. Not even any parsley *hint hint Mummy*


Because Buddy Is Nice

I am nice. There’s no two ways about it! With Basil having a poorly paw I felt sorry for him and let him sit in my the tent when Mummy let us wander in the garden. She put down fleece blankets efurrywhere for us to walk on so Basil didn’t hurt his paw more which was nice. Carpet! Hehehe

Basil wasn’t all that grateful about my tent sacrifice and spent most of his time pulling threads out of it but Mummy says she is proud of me. I didn’t try to chase, scare, sneakily get him out or any other naughtiness. I just sat in the doorway of it and squeaked at him. Mummy got these pigtures when whee were excited because a little hooman was bringing some grass over!

I have been taking good care of Basil too. Fetching him pieces of food and being extra snuggly. The hoomans had nicknamed me Dr Bud Bud. Here is a pigture of Basil’s toe today. It looks pretty strange but it is clean, a healthy pink colour and Mummy is happy with how it look. The vet-man will have a look at it to make sure it’s alright too but as an expert Dr piggy I think he is on the mend!


Have you had to make allowances for sick or hurt furfriends?

Have a terrific Tuesday efurryone

Dr Buddy


Going In The Garden

Hello efurryone. This is my very first post just by me. *waves* Nice to see you all.

I’ve been a little shy as I settle in so Mummy didn’t want to crowd me with cameras. Now I’m much calmer and I have a story to tell you! Yesterday evening the weather was perfect and Mummy decided it was just right for me to have my first ever run in the garden! She was very busy pulling all these boxes and things out of the box near my cage and I was a little nervous. Nacho told me how much fun it is out there but I wasn’t so sure.

Uncle Buddy and Uncle Basil went out first, they were squeaking with excitement. Then Nacho went out and it was just me left. I sat on top of the pigloo waiting nervously. Mummy came and picked me up, promising lots of fun. Whee walked through the house and I tried to pretend I wasn’t scared by hiding in Mummy’s hair. All of a sudden whee were outside. There were lots of smells and sounds and it was a bit overwhelming for a little chap like me. Then Mummy sat down and moved me down to her lap. Nacho squeaked and I looked around. So this was outside.

A big cage with convertible roof, retracted to allow more light. A big blue tent with a fluffy snuggle blanket. Two cardboard castles boxes. And a big pile of green stuff that Nacho was currently scoffing. I sat there, very still for all of five seconds then jumped off Mummy’s knee with an indignant squeak of “Wait for me!” to Nacho.

The green spaghetti was grass and it was delicious. As it was my first time having any, Mummy restricted how much whee had so I didn’t overload my system. Nacho was not pleased and squeaked at the hooman for more most of the time whee were out there! The smells and sounds are fascinating and I don’t know why I was scared now! Mummy giggled when a bird called overhead and I started squeaking back to it and climbing the sides of the run. Here are some pigtures of my fun time outdoors:

Have you ever faced a fear and wished you had done it sooner?

Happy Thursday



ps. Please join us in lighting a candle to raise awareness of pets in shelters and rescues all over the world.

Though their focus appears to be cats and dogs, there are lots of little guinea pigs out there too who need loving homes. Visit here to see more.

Light a candle for rescue pets and above all, if you are looking for an addition to your furmily. Think rescue

Wordless Wednesday – Wakey Wakey

Mummy says not to let my little hooman nap . . . I can help with that!



Friday Fun!

I have been learning how to jump hurdles. Inspired by some lovely ladypigs whee know I had Mummy film me practicing! Here is, me. Nacho – The Piggy Grand National . . . In cinemas in my dreams!

This is what I do as a fun and fabulous Friday! What do you like to do on a Friday?

Have a great one ^_^

