Bad Things Come In Three’s . . .

Well if bad things do come in threes whee are expecting one more. As you know Nutty is ill. Well today Mummy was taken ill too and now she has gone to bed so the little hoomans are helping us. Whee don’t have much but here are some pigtures of Nutty today. As you can see he looks a bit better but he still will not eat for himself so even though Mummy is unwell she and her pawrents will be up everything three or four hours to feed him through the night.

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His eye is still a little sore and half closed but it isn’t weeping or crusty anymore so paws crossed the antibiotics are working.

Whee really appreciate your kind wishes efurryone, hopefully whee can bring better news soon.

Nibbles, Buddy & Basil


About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on January 21, 2013, in Piggy Blogs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 37 Comments.

  1. We hope you BOTH get better soon! You’re lucky you have so many loved ones nearby. Nutty, you are looking much better.

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  2. Equal treatment. Is mummy getting breakfast in bed every four hours?

  3. Sorry Mummy isn’t well. Hope everyone feels better tomorrow!

  4. Lets hope bad things come in two’s! That’s enough! Nutty looks better today. Hope Mummy looks better tomorrow.

  5. feel better, everyone! sending you soft furry healing thoughts.

  6. He does look a lot better in the pics, I hope it continues and that he is eating and squeaking normally again soon. Lots of (gentle) hugs from Zena

  7. sending our BIGGEST and most HEALING hugs to you both!

  8. Nutty looks much better, but we will keep sending heaing thoughts across the pond. Just wanted to add a note to my post from yesterday. In addition to the anise flavored Critical Care, Critical Care is also available in Apple Banana flavor here in the states – a different flavor may help. And with the baby food, just enough to flavor the CC to make it sweeter, but not too much (sugar) as it can upset the digestive system. I should’ve known that Nutty would have his own Snuggesafe as his Mummy takes such good care of her guinea pigs. Hope you are both feeling better soon.

  9. Lots of Purrayers for yous guys! Yous all needs it! Nutty, Your Mummy and for everybody who has to takes care of the sickies!

  10. Hope all turns around soon. Positive thoughts coming your way xxx

  11. Sending you lots of purrs for everyone to get better!

  12. O Relief!! Be better and I wish for Nutty to be bright a sunshine soon xK

  13. Hope you are all better soon! Sending hugs!

  14. Oh yes Nutty DOES look much better but it would be even BETTER if he starts eating on his own…..let’s hope that’s soon and let’s also hope he STAYS well. As for Mummy – so sorry to hear she’s now sick – I know it’s been super cold there and lots of people are getting sick from colds and flu…..we hope that your Mum is better soon and like everyone else, we’re so happy you have lots of help and family there to assist and take care of you both. GET WELL VERY VERY SOON – we worry so much you know!!

    Special Healing Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  15. Keep getting better Nutty and hope your mummy gets well soon too,snuggles to you both,xx speedy

  16. We’ll keep our fingers and paws crossed for nutty and mummy!

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