Cavy Campers

Well Sammy Camp is finally here and whee are loving it! Over here  you can vote for two great competitions! The first is for the best tent and whee have entered our handcrafted effort which Mummy made using the app PicsArt on her phone. Whee would love it if you could vote for us, it would mean a lot.


The second contest is a scary poem story contest to be told around the campfire. None of them are labelled with who sent in which one but whee can reveal that one of those poems is ours so whee hope you have a look through and maybe vote for our one on there.

Inside our tent . . . What?! It’s bigger on the inside

Now, whee are going to roast some veggies over the campfire and listening to our doggy furfriends having an evening howl at the moon before retiring into our tent. It has been a long day and tomorrow is sure to be another exciting one!

Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil


About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on March 17, 2013, in Piggy Blogs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. Oh we are having such fun ..Isn’t blogville the best place to be 🙂 See ya by the fire for some scary stories..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. We love your tent – inside and out! So cute.

    Love and licks,

  3. Dear piggies, you sound like you are having a great camping experience. Love your old-fashioned tent. Make sure you try marshmallows!

  4. yep we were there and we voted!

  5. The inside of my trailer os bigger than the outside too! Just like Dr. Who’s Tardis! Me thinks it is called a tesseract….

  6. Did you say veggies? Cocco is on his way!

  7. That is a fantastic tent both inside and out. My my so roomy, you could have a party in there. I went to the link and voted too, good luck and happy camping

  8. Gosh guys! Who knew inside that adorable tent of yours was all this fab room and stuff! Just goes to show that you can’t tell a book by its’ cover right??? Tee Hee So happy you’re here enjoying the campground with all of us!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  9. I’m so glad your tent is tardis-like, that means I can pop by to visit you guys!

  10. Oh I’ll bet it’s a magic tent, isnt it? I will howl the complete chart list tonight ;o)

  11. Hi piggies you have won the main prize!please email me at with your address,xx Speedy. P.S your pride is restored…hehehe

  12. That looks like a very nice tent!

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