Oh The Drama!

After the drama of our last post – about which whee would like to assure efurryone that apart from being scared whee are fine and very grateful to have our wonderful furfriends care so much for us – whee are going to move onto drama of a different kind . . .

Dogs in drag? Piggies performing. Cats who are looking and feline good! It can only be the Piggy Panto Contest!

Yes this is a reminder that there is still time to enter! As long as there is not a newer post than this there is still time!

After much discussion whee think whee will be holding a vote for some of the parts which had a lot of entries. Would you guys like that?!

If you haven’t entered then whee still have at least two unclaimed dwarf roles and aren’t sure whee have found the right furries yet for other roles so go for it!

Whee wait with baited breath to see our inbox continue to fill!

If you still haven’t seen how to enter then firstly, where have you been!!! And secondly, look here!

Good luck efurryone!


Think outside the box to make your entry stand out!

About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on November 17, 2012, in Piggy Blogs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. I’m glad everyone not only survived but thrived after the Car-B-Que.

  2. Okay guys. After your traumatic incident (Car-B-Que – giggle), we think you are all stars to have come through so well and to prove it we have a gift for you over at our place:

  3. Nutty I’m liking that spikey hairdo you’re sporting there as you poke your adorable head out of the box! Very punkish and fashionable. Sounds like you guys got PLENTY of entries for the auditions and I think if you’re having a tough time deciding on “candidates” we’d all LUV to help out!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy
    p.s. Car-B-Que? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! (just glad you’re all OK!)

  4. I would like it, of course — and that’s a very nice hairstyle ;o) Have a fabulous weekend ;o)

  5. Wez laughing at the Car-B-Que comments, not funny at all and we are so pleased no one was hurt 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

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