Can’t Wait For The Wheekend!


Whee cannot wait for the weekend. Mummy is going to be sharing some pigtures with you of our new furfriends at our new house! Can you guess who Jay, Robby, Benji, Mister Ed and Moonie might be? (Hint, they’re all different animals) Plus lots of as yet unnamed furfriends!!

Do you have lots of local furfriends in the wildlife? Happy Friday!!


About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on September 5, 2014, in Piggy Blogs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 28 Comments.

  1. Moonie could be a bird… butt I will wait till your moms pigtures are there to find it out :o)

  2. Squeeeeeee. We’ll look forward to meeting your new furiends. Hope you will join us for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. This would be a purrfect photo to post. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. dood…we R gonna say bunneez, chippeez, vizshuz squirrelz, NOE burdz, a kitty, a dawg anda ponee !! 🙂

  4. Oh I can’t wait for your pigtures,this is so exciting,xx Speedy

  5. I want to see the pictures

  6. Oh goodie! I love surprises! I also love this photo of you Buddy – having a bit of a snack?

    Hugs, Sammy

  7. What is dat yous got hangin’ outta yous little mouff? 🙂 Yous lookin’ so cute and meez so glad yous got so many new furiends fwum da wild. Weez got a foo here. 🙂 Hope yous hav a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’


  8. Looking forward to it. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. How exciting! New friends! Around here, sometimes cats hide under cars and make plans to kill me.

    Love and licks,

  10. Mr. Ed just HAS to be a talking horse.

  11. huhhhh, don’t look now but you have some green spaghetti’s on your lip…hehehe you’re so cute. I’m actually old enough to remember the series ‘Mr Ed’ and the theme song…good grief! Those were good television days, even if some were still B&W.

    I actually saw a coyote driving to work the other day. Well, I was driving and he ran across the road, HA. He wasn’t even in a hurry, just pranced down the sidewalk and into the river valley. It’s only a few houses away and I can here them singing some nights. I tried to get my phone out for a picture, but I was too slow. I’ll keep an eye open though, maybe next time.

  12. Yow Buddy ya look so cute wif da twiggie stickin outta yer mouth….
    Mum sayz Mr Ed iz a horsie….she iz shure of it 😉
    Bet ya haz lotz of birdz n purrhapz a squirrel or 2 dere???
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xxxxx

  13. sweet!!

Squeak to us!!!