So That’s Where I Went Tuesday

Hello again efurryone. It’s Furnando here to reveal just where I was in my Monday Mystery pigtures. The pigtures for day one were of a pub in the pretty village of Dedham, Suffolk. The pub called The Marlborough Head Inn and was small and cozy with wood burning fires and furry friendly staff. After their meal the hoomans walked around the local area and church but I didn’t go because it started to rain.


Day two was, as Val and C.A.T.S guessed, a church. Or at least, they were half right. This is Bury St Edmunds Abbey and the ruins of the Abbey Church which was one of the largest in the country. The abbey church of St Edmund was built in the 11th and 12th centuries and was much enlarged and rebuilt during the 12th century. The main Abbey remains and you can look around inside. While in there the hoomans lit a candle in memory of all pets and people passed and sat quietly to reflect. When they left and were heading back to the car they encountered a cheeky little squirrel who seemed fascinated in them and posed for Mummy’s pigtures. It reminded Mummy of Nutty who she often liked to call her little Squirrel Nutkin.

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It was furry peaceful and relaxing to visit these bootiful places. Where have you visited that was bootiful recently? Happy Tuesday efurryone



About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on January 7, 2014, in Furnando's Adventures and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. Enjoy your time in lovely, beautiful Suffolk. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. The pigtures are beautiful! the closest I come to Suffolk is one of my sheep Jock…he is a you may have seen his type there…black face big bot bot 😉 and the little pub is too die for…makes me feel very must be my heritage…have a fab day and please …send the squirrel squeeeeeeee hugs Fozziemum xxx

  3. That’s a wonderful place. Have you seen a ghost in that ruins?

  4. Oh what pretty photos….that was a BEAUTIFUL little day trip you had Furnando! Where have I visited lately? I guess that would have to be “every room in my house”- it’s too cold to go outside PERIOD!

    Hugs, Sammy

  5. Thanks for taking us to places we have never been in your pigtures. Mom recently took herself and her stuff dog, Ears, to China for work. She says there are no animals where she was, not even squirrels. We can’t imagine. – DogDaz

  6. We went to Montana in August and toured Glacier National Park. We had a personalized guided tour with a retired park ranger friend. The best part, Kaci and I got to go on everything.

  7. Judy & C.A.T.S

    Thanks for showing us your pigtures. We feel like we are traveling the world when we look at pigtures. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

  8. Woa… the ruins remind me of Myst. That’s one of my favorite things to see, old buildings and sights but in a green environment.. you know? Not dead but nature surrounding it instead! Love it! And that’s a massive squirrel. O_O Or does it just look like that on camera? It looks so poofy!


    Lucky lad! You get to see so much. It is easier since you are tiny to get you into places.

  10. wow that was an exciting adventure,xx Speedy

  11. I was totally wrong lol

  12. Oh what a great place. I have been driving out to a little remote spot by the end of the river called Bear Gultch and just sitting in my car watching the river and the seals. It is very peaceful and calm.

Squeak to us!!!