Thursday Tickles

As some of you know our hooman has been a bit unwell. Today she feels very sick but luckily, Nurse Noah is on hand to help.

He charged the very reasonable rate of two minutes chin tickles.


With this prescription of snuggles and whiffles whee are sure she will be feeling better soon.

Have a nice Thursday πŸ™‚


About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on November 14, 2013, in Piggy Blogs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 54 Comments.

  1. Get well soon, piggie mom πŸ™‚

  2. I hope your human feels better soon. It’s good, that Nurse Noah is around.

  3. Noah I hope your hooman feels better very quick! Your Noah snuggles and chin tickles are the right prescription!

  4. Get well soon and take it easy. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. The very best prescription possible and at VERY reasonable rates! Get well soon human.

  6. Nurse Noah…Love it! I think that is a very reasonable trade off for looking after your mom. Please tell her to feel better soon. Much love, the Scottie Mom.

  7. She’ll have to feel better soon with Nurse Noah on duty!

  8. Poor mommy. I hope she feels better really, really soon. And I know she will with your extra care Noah. XOXO – Bacon

  9. That’s sweet. Did you bite her nose? – Alfalfa

  10. Bummer but you have good help.

  11. Hurrah fer Nurse Noah!!! Ya iz a pawsum ‘little dude’ fer carin fer yer Hu’Mum! Me n Mum hopez she getz well soon….
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen xxxx

    • She has a bad ear and head and her tummy rumbles louder than Nacho in a bad mood but whee think she is getting better. Just needs lots of sleep!


      • Dat iz what happinz to me Mum…da ear or throat get sorez ferst den da tummy n den fever n den *flat on her face*….
        Well dun Nurse Noah takin care of yer Hu”Mum so well!!!
        yer care will make her all bettur soon me iz shure.
        Lub Nylalbue n me Mum xo

  12. da tabbies o trout towne

    Noah…tell yur mum ta strap sum flounder cross her forehead…guaruntee her will feel grate, smell grate, be veree fashion stylish AND haza handee snax close by in case her getz hungree πŸ™‚ hope her getz ta feelin better soon ~~!!!

  13. Oh, piggie chin tickles will make her feel so much better, I just know it!

  14. Bisery lubs combany. I’b sorry you’re sig too. Hope you veel bedder sood. I ab ad igubator ob biral plague, doe I dode dare pig bide up because I’b also allergic to deb, bud all tree cages are dext do eage udder, ad der’s aways subdig cute od da giddy big chaddle.

    • Sorry you aren’t feeling well. I prescribe many huggles and snuggles and, if you have a bad ear like Mummy, loud veggie-demanding-squeaks!!

      Nurse Noah

      • Veggies aren’t what the Wigglewhiskers clan wants, if they’re squeaking, it’s hay they want. Harville has subtle and annoying tactics — run under the hay manger and slam it against the wall, repeat as necessary.

        My ears are a little yucky, but I’m trying to keep my head clear with lots of herbal tea. It’s a head cold thus far, and I found myself in the shower without the exhaust fan just standing with the spray on my face to help my sinuses. Colds are just yucky.

        Additionally, I solved a major mystery today!!!!

        If I give a carrot to Frederick and Harville — even if I break it in half — they stand next to each other and nibble near the same place; their carrot always disappears first, but they are the “big” boys.

        If I give a carrot to Wentworth and Benwick, they each walk to one end and eat toward the middle. Wentworth will be four in February, and is definitely slowing down a bit, and Benwick is small in size but big in personality — their carrot will disappear too, but not as if it’s a race. Wentworth never really had to “do battle” for food the way his kids did, he’s generally got a: “Whatever, it’ll be there later, it’s all good. Okay…nap time!” Incidentally, Benwick was nicknamed “Mr. Milk Bar” as a pup because he was the most attached to Annie (to the point that I seriously worried about him). He’s grown up definitely, but he still sleeps right next to Wentworth always (as opposed to the more typical “my corner/your corner” bit). Thus if Wentworth is napping, Benwick is probably chilling nearby. It’s very cute.


        If I give a carrot to Annie and Sophie, it doesn’t disappear and usually ends up tossed half-eaten in with Harville and Frederick before it gets creepy. This was a great mystery. Today I watched. Annie marched right over and dug in. Sophie crept over, sniffed it, licked the “just washed” wet coldness, then went and stood in the corner with a “Why don’t you love me?” sulky look.

        The pig doesn’t like carrots?!?!?!?!

        I’ve known pigs who didn’t like things like peppers or spinach or things with strong or distinct flavors (e.g., cilantro/coriander), some pigs who prefer veggies, some who prefer fruit (we had one little sow who only liked Granny Smith apples, wouldn’t touch any of a dozen or more other kinds). But green leaf/red leaf/romaine lettuce, carrots, and parsley have been pretty universal…until now…

        Sophie Wigglewhiskers, carrot-hating freak-of-nature (but adorable and loved just the same).

  15. I’m sure while cuddling with you, she feels better in zilch. All my best wishes for her ear, that’s an awful pain.

  16. Hope your mummy is feeling better soon! I am sending hugs & get well wishes her way! πŸ™‚

  17. I hope she feels better soon. I’m sure the cuddles will help.

  18. Good work, Noah! That is the perfect prescription for wellness!

    Love and licks,

  19. Awwww hope Humom feels better real soon xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  20. We hope all that special nursing treatment you’re providing does the trick and your Mummy is better VERY VERY soon!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  21. We are all sending good vibes for your hooman to be 100% well quickly. Nurse Noah is doing a wonderful job.

  22. Mistress Mummy…you must get better very very fast…you are a young biped our world needs to be healthy and helping all of us learn more about animal welfare, helping young bipeds and all the other things you clearly care so much about…paw hugs, Savvy

  23. Hope your mummy is feeling better soon xx

  24. Noah, I bet your mum loved all your nursiness and love, and your rate certainly was reasonable. Tell you mum to feel better soon. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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