Blog Archives

Smile for Sunshine

Someone said there would be sunshine today. It looks pretty grey at the moment but whee are keeping out paws firmly crossed. Mummy said that seeing the sunshine makes her smile so whee wondered if it would work the other way round . . .

If I smile will the sun come out?

Here’s my biggest, toofiest, happiest grin to test this!


Do you think it will work? What makes you smile? And how can I convince the sun to stop hiding from me?

Happy Monday efurryone


Looking For A Pet? Think Rescue!

You may remember our Don’t Parsley Me By contest raising awareness of animals in rescues. (If you missed it, this is the link to the video of all the entries from it) What has made us bring this up again? Well, though whee aren’t discussing it every minute of the day, there are lots of bootiful animals in rescues, efurry minute of the day!

BlogPaws has done a lovely badge encouraging hoomans to adopt from rescues when looking for a new addition to their furmily, and whee were super duper happy to see a guinea pig included on it! See:


They did a blog post which included seven reasons why you should adopt. To see the full post click here. One of their reasons particularly struck a chord with us because it is so true!

Guinea pigs and other furry rodents get excited when their parents walk into the room. Have you ever heard the happy squeals of a guinea pig? I have owned several and it is incredible when they see you and are just as thrilled with your presence as your dog might be.

Whee do squeak like crazy when the hoomans get home. Basil is particular loves his little hooman and whenever he comes home from school Basil goes crazy wheeking and popcorning with happiness. Trying to get out of the cage for cuddles. Seriously! If whee had tails, they’d be wagging!

Mummy tried making a video of the moments leading up to when Basil’s little hooman gets home. (She has to shut up the cage so that he doesn’t go to the front door. Usually it is open so he can run around it whenever he wants!) He sits . . . and waits . . . . and squeaks a lot! Mummy sort of failed though because her camera died before the little hooman came in! Camera – 1 Mummmy – 0

Whee hope you like it. And remember. Think rescue when getting a pet.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


ps. Thanks to efurryone who noticed and commented about the new seasonal banner and background. It was Mummy’s attempt because the little hoomans weren’t there to help so she is glad you like it!