Blog Archives

Twinkle Twinkle Little Award . . .

Ok so whee haven’t posted about any of the awards whee have been getting in ages. Whee blame the management here. If there was an award for laziness, they would probably send someone else to pick it up for them. And you think whee are kidding!

Wordpress Family Award X2The first is one whee have already had and passed on but that’s not going to stop us posting to let you know whee are all family! This award came from the wonderful Sandra from quirkybooks. You can click here to read her post about the award and see who else received it. Whee love her site because it has lots of information for the hooman and HAWT ladypigs for us! Hehehe

Next . . .


Ain’t no sunshine when she gone . . . that’s why whee are glad she’s always around! Yes, whee were awarded this pretty award by none other than the bootiful Anouchka from LifeofBun. She does great make-up advice which our hooman loves and compliments us piggies which proves she has good taste! You can read her post about the award here.

There are some simple rules attached to this award . . .

1) Use the logo above in the post.   ~ check
2) Link to whoever nominated you.    ~ double check
3) Write ten pieces of information about yourself.    ~ okie dokie
4) Nominate ten fellow bloggers “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogsphere.”   ~ whee will put all nominees at the end of the post
5) Leave a comment on the nominees’ blogs to tell them of the award    ~ will do!

Ten Facts about us:

  1. Basil once tried to eat a snail.
  2. Buddy’s favourite thing to do is run around his cage on the floor but it’s been moved to make room for the Pigmas tree so he’s not happy.
  3. Noah appears to be a very odd mix of breeds.  He has a few Abyssinian rosettes in the middle, a short haired face, a long haired bottom and a few frizzy whiskers. Mummy just wonders who his pawrents were!
  4. Nacho squeaks and crosses his back legs when he’s asleep.
  5. Buddy is still the chubbiest of us, weighing in at 1200g after following a diet prescribed by his vet (he used to be 1450g!!)
  6. Basil likes to lick everyone, even hoomans he has just met. Sharing the love!
  7. Nacho is furry fussy about treats he likes. He prefers herbs and hay to anything else.
  8. Noah makes grumpy, grumbling noises whenever there is a noise he doesn’t like and that is pretty much all noises from knocks at the door to the phone ringing.
  9. A bag rustling instantly means food in this house, even if the hoomans don’t realise it when they make the noises.
  10. It doesn’t matter if it’s raining, snowing or horrible out, hoomans must always go out and fetch us fresh grass and herbs.

Whee will post our nominations at the end . . .


And our final award is our furry first Blog of the year 2013 star! ^_^ Isn’t it exciting!

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpegWhee were given this by the FURtastic furfriend Savannah at Savannah’s Paw Tracks. You can read her full post and who she passed it onto here.

Again, there are a few rules with this:

1. Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2013’ Award.  ~ hmmmm let me think

2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there are no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ the blog(s) with their award.     ~ whee will!

3. Let the blog(s) that you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the instructions with them – (please don’t alter the instructions or the badges!)  ~ okie dokie!

Now for both the Sunshine Award and the Blog of The Year 2013 Award whee would like to nominate ten blogs. That’s right, all ten of you get both awards! Enjoy!

1. OneSpoiledCat

2. TheMisadventuresofMisaki

3. PigLove

4. EasyRider

5. MyThreeMoggies

6. CupcakeSpeaks

7. DoggyStyle

8. Molliesdogtreats

9. Fozzie’s Hooman

10. Markingourterritory

Have a fabulous Friday efurryone!

Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil
