Ham You Believe It?!

Well whee can hardly believe how lucky whee are being at the moment. Bingo must be smiling with adorable piggy lips down on us because whee have won another prize. Whee are being so lucky Mummy is thinking about getting a lottery ticket. (She could get a whole lot of carrots with winnings from those!)

This prize was celebrating reaching 100 posts on The Hamster Diaries. Our dear furfriend Dexter made the difficult decision using a high tech piece of equipment! You can watch a video of our magnificent victory and see the amazing runners up here – The Post Of Proof

Whee are really looking forward to our special Hamster Diaries Goodie-Bag/Cave-Of-Wonders! Whee will tell you all when it arrives. For now, thank you hammy friends for bringing brightness to a sad time.

To our loyal followers whee will be back to normal posting soon, it is as you might imagine very hard to write when things feel so wrong. 😦

Nibbles, Nutty & Buddy

About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on August 31, 2012, in Piggy Blogs. Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Thinking of you all at this sad time. Congratulations on being a winner. I was so pleased to be a runner up and have written a blog post about my prize notepad before I even receive it. So happy to join you in the hall of fame.

  2. Glad good things are happening for you!

  3. Congratulations, you deserve a lot of good thingsβ™₯

  4. Wow guys! Concatulations! Guess what – I’m happy to give you even MORE excitement because on my blog this morning I nominated you piggies for another blog award! The Addictive Blog Award……..check it out at http://onespoiledcat.wordpress.com/2012/09/01/blog-o-licious-blog/

    We love you!! Bingo is smiling down on you and is VERY proud of you too…….
    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  5. Congratulations!
    We are also sending more purrs of comfort…

Squeak to us!!!