Well Eye Never!

Well I’m finally feeling a bit better and hooman has asked me to write a little post to let you all know! It’s amazing the trouble a little bit of hay and a scratch can do to an eye though.

So what happened…Well Mummy saw a little bit of hay on my eye during morning snuggles and cleaned it out. By the evening my eye had gone cloudy blue, was weeping and I couldn’t really see. She rushed me to the vet and by some strange coincidence another piggy had been in that day with the same injury. Unfortunately for that other little piggy their eye was so bad they had to have it removed. I am quite lucky that I have the chance to try eyedrops and painkillers.

So far Mummy has noticed an improvement in my eye. The blue colour is mostly gone and it’s no longer bloodshot. I am much more bright in myself but still a little unwell so paws crossed I am back to normal soon!

I feel like this pigture sums up how I feel right now:


How are you spending this Tuesday?

Whatever you are doing, have a great day!


About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on February 2, 2016, in Piggy Blogs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 23 Comments.

  1. I’m glad your eye is better… and I feel sorry for your piggy-friend who lost his eye… I never thaught that hay can cause so much trouble…

  2. What a relief your eye is getting better Noah!

  3. Poor little Noah. Rest heals, so it looks like you’re doing the right thing. Healing thoughts and happy wishes are coming your way.

    Love and licks,

  4. Good to hear you are on the mend, hope you are feeling much better soon!

  5. Hope you have a speedy recovery Noah,Super Speedy snuggles on their way,xx Speedy

  6. I hope you are feeling even more better today than yesterday. After ma started finding our piggies straw in their bum and Cinnamon even had a piece in his boy part, ma changed to shredded hay. Now the piggies eat every bit of their hay and it has really helped with the waste.
    Hope you get to feeling better and better everyday!

  7. How great that your hooman takes so good care of you! I hope you’re feeling better soon πŸ™‚

  8. I don’t know yet-it is still morning however going to the eye doctor is NOT an option.

  9. guys….glad ta see ewe bak thiz way !!! & noah…St Francis’ blessings two ewe ….sorree bout yur eye dood….we noe itz gotta hurt…we hope it heelz up fast & yur bak ta cauzin trubull …… πŸ™‚ veree soon πŸ™‚ !!! β™₯β™₯β™₯

  10. Hello lovie! So glad to hear your eye is getting better. I know your mummy has been worrying about you. It is a very scary thing! Please continue to rest and be a good boy. You’ll be as good as new very soon. xoxoxoxo 😘😘😘

  11. What a scary thing! I’m glad your eye is responding to treatment. I am crossing my paws that you’re 100% soon!

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