Not So Macho Nacho!

So what if I like to embrace my feminine side once in awhile?! It doesn’t mean anything!

Very Macho Nacho


About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on September 15, 2013, in Piggy Blogs and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 45 Comments.

  1. Nacho I think you look totally adorable with the bow – most people will tell you it would look better down ’round your neck as a bow tie, but I think it looks grand perched on top of your cute head!

    Kitty Hugs, Sam

  2. Nacho you look adorable. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Hahahahaha! How did you get the ribbon to stick on? Poor Nacho… at least it’s a green ribbon.

  4. You are stylin’ in that bow, Nacho. Green is your color! Think of it as a hat made of parsley…

    Love and licks,

  5. Oh Nacho…..what a glorious piggie indeed…and showing your sensitive new age piggie side…very cute in gingham 🙂 HUgs Fozziemum xx

  6. Ah, you made me smile again. You look very cute in your little green bow.
    My boy kitty has a pink sweater. He tells everyone he is secure in his masculinity!

  7. Nacho, you’re adorable no matter what. Annie and Sophie wouldn’t wear that, Annie would eat it first. Annie is the mouthiest pig ever. Blessings for your Sunday!

  8. You look lovely Nacho 🙂 ❤

  9. AWWW Nacho you are just too too cute!

  10. Why are you considered to be expressing your feminine side when you’re cuddling with a female? It’s very manly.

  11. Oh my goodness you are so adorable!

  12. It’s a macho bow tie. You just choose to wear it on top of your handsome head instead of under your cute little chin. 🙂

  13. *sighz* Ya are so pawsum me Macho Nacho…ya rock dat bowtie…
    Sowwy me hasta go back to bed; head hertz!!
    Lub Nylablue xo

    • I don’t even remember them taking those pigtures. That was some night out whee all had!

      hehehe, ouch, need to rest more!


      • Yow Nacho me just got up fer sum suppa n saw yer reeply!! Da Hu’manz say a pigture is worth a bazillion werdz….what shuud we doez ’bout any pigturez???
        Noah iz da only one wifout a hangedover…
        Me haz had a quiet day; mostly nappin n stayin away frum *grumpy Mum* 😉
        Lub Nylablue xo

  14. Real men wear what they like…I think it’s great that you’re so secure in your masculinity 🙂

  15. sweet Nacho

  16. Oh gee, is there any way at all you wouldn’t look totally adorable? I think not. Work it Nacho, work it!

  17. hehehe I think you have been partying a wee bit to much Nacho,xx Speedy

  18. redtearsblackwings

    How how beautiful!

  19. Maybe not so macho, but cute!

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