Flowery Friday

Whee have all been talking about wanting Spring to hurry up and arrive and stay fur awhile now. Though the weather can still be a little cold whee are seeing the first signs of spring in tulips and other flowers in the garden. Whee were also thrilled to discover that our little curled parsley plant survived the winter! So whee got to enjoy some fresh parsley in during our garden time yesterday. Here are some pigtures

Have you noticed any new signs that Spring is on the way where you are?

Happy Flowery Friday efurryone!



About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on April 11, 2014, in Piggy Blogs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 44 Comments.

  1. Nacho we are so glad Spring has arrived for you. We are so enjoying our early Spring and mild weather. We are lucky. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. your tulips are great! They are such a wonderful sign of spring… sadly someone digged out all our bulbs so we have none this year :O)

  3. Pretty spring piggies. Mom and I saw daffodils! And a butterfly! And I didn’t even eat it.

    Love and licks,

  4. Oh it looks like Spring is springing there! YAY! We’re watching the tiny little leaves on the trees begin to open and same for flowering things – not quite but soon…..love Spring!

    Hugs, sammy

  5. Wow Nacho what lovely tulips..what is that pretty purple plant it looks a bit like my Durante but not..if that makes sense..and do you notice the first taste of the parlsey will be different to the end of the season :)…if we had signs of Spring here I would be very worried hahaha..but Autumn is with us for real now..lots of cooler days and nights..but we do have some bulbs coming up and the trees here like the maple etc are dropping their poor tired Summer leaves 🙂 hugs to you Fozziemum xxx

  6. You guys are adorable eating your parsley and the flowers are beautiful. Our daffs and hyacinth are up and the fragrance is lovely!

  7. I’m glad your parsley survived. Can’t you persuade them to plant lots of it for you?

  8. Yummy, parsley looks tasty guys! Lucky you 🙂

  9. We’ve been getting radishes for a while and some kohl rabi is ready.

  10. The likkle lambs are beginning to appear – that’s always a sign!

  11. Enjoy spring you guys! We are waiting for some parsley seeds to sprout up too.. fingers crossed 🙂

  12. Buffy Cat here, it is very lovely to meet you. You left a very nice compliment on Kuruk’s post about how pretty I am. That is very nice, Thank you. Oh and my mom says Guinea Pig’s are one of her favorite fur friends. After cats of course.

  13. Squee! You all are so adorable!

  14. doodz…glad yur parsley made it thru de winter…..we iz still waitin for stuff two a peer here…may bee in a nother few weeks…we hope !!! hope everree one enjoys de week oh end !!♥

  15. iloveschnauzers

    oh, Nacho! Such bootiful flours! Mommy loves tulips and daffodils too! enjoy your greens!
    Miss D


    In Florida very few things stop growing. We have pretty flowers all year round.

    • That’s so cool! Our die down over the Winter and then pop back up in the Spring. Mummy says they just sleep for a little while because they don’t like the cold. Whee tried doing that and she said whee were lazy!


  17. Oh those flowers soooooooooo made me smile!

  18. oh yes and mummy is doing lots of gardening too!xx Speedy

  19. Very springing over there! We did have some nice spring weather and all the snow melted. One day it was even 20 C. But this morning it’s sprinkling snow flakes instead of rain. Nothings green yet here, so I’ll just enjoy watching you nom nom your parsley.

  20. Love the pictures of the garden and of the piggies eating the parsley – spring is here!!!

  21. Yow Nacho da stoopid snow iz furinallee meltin away n Mum n me found a few flowerz in da nayburr’z garden….Mum will post pix tomorrow…
    Oh n da way me nose fer shure winter iz gone iz ME OUT ON DA PATIO IN ME CONDO!!!
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤

  22. We will bee doin a new bloggie in a day or two….flowerz will bee included just fer all of ya!
    Lub Nylablue xxxx

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