Whee. Are. FURmily!

So after our rather sad post yesterday whee have something a bit more cheerful. Whee said how grateful whee are to have a loving home. Well today Mummy made us a family tree! I wrote a little something to go with it!

Whee. Are. Family!
Nibbles, Buddy, Basil and Me!
And don’t forget those stood on two feet,
Little hoomans that gives me a treat.
And finally our Mummy whee love,
She give us hay and veggies sent from up above.
Yeah whee are family!
Together whee are building hutch special memories!

Who is part of and what do you love about your FURmily? Would you do anything for them? I know I would. I once rumbled at a tiger on the telly because it was roaring and scared Nibbles (he claims he was just surprised but I know the truth!)

I will leave you with a little clip and song from a Disney film whee watched with the little hoomans today. It really is exactly what family means to me.


About hutchagoodlife

Tales and adventures from the hutches of British blogging guinea pigs!

Posted on October 21, 2012, in Piggy Blogs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 31 Comments.

  1. Whee love that song and enjoyed listening to it. When mummy goes on holiday, whee holiday at Grandma Gunieapigs’ – Whee named her that. At her home we have an extended family, including two doggies called Rosie and Susie. Susie is getting very old, she is shaky and can’t see well and has little do’s. But she is still beautiful and whee love her very much. xxxx Snuggles, Peaches, Daisy and Cinnamon.

    • Whee have never met our Auntie’s doggies. Apparent Toddy would want to eat us *gulps* and Missy Violet would be terrified of us. Not sure whee are a match made in heaven. Certainly putting the fun back into disFUNctional! Tehehe! πŸ™‚


  2. Is it so wrong that I actually sang rather than read part of this post… πŸ˜€ hehehe, and LOVE lady and the tramp. Up there in my all time favourites, havent seen it in AGEEEES though because theres no longer a video player in the house and all my disney movies are on video ;(( Such memories! ❀

  3. Lady and the Tramp is one of my favorite movies of all time! Love it!!
    The only “furmily” I have is a kitty brother! I love him and kiss him and protect him!
    Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  4. What a wonderful furmily tree!
    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  5. Family is great-you can get them to share their food.

  6. O know what’s he doing in the back of a van?? and why is she alone? I think I am going to have to watch this film, I do hope it is a happy ending! Makes me realise how lucky I am to have such a fab family!

    • It’s Lady and The Tramp 2. Basically he has run away from home and is caught by the dog catcher after spending some time with some street dogs. Mummy and the little hoomans love it.


      • Typist is putting it on her christmas list as one she would like to see! Although the lady and the tramp always upset her as a child – the way Tramp was told off and misunderstood when he was helping save the baby from the rat!!

  7. What a lovely family tree you have! Full of love and happy piggies and hoomans….all enjoying life together. For me, it’s just ME and my Mom and Dad. But it’s not really the size of your family – it’s how much love is there – and in that respect you guys and ME are very lucky to have LOTSA love!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  8. Oh Dawg, I’ve got that song going round and round in my head..We are family,I’ve got all my sisters with me…Love the tree..And thank you as by the end of the day..I’m going to be demented with that song..BOL xx000xx

  9. wonderful furmily-tree … and I’ll bet my staff will sing this song for hours ;o)))

  10. Hey piggy friends! We have a little something for you: My Mini Pet Pig
    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  11. Oh god, I’m a softy for Disney movies! And what a beautiful Furmily you all have! πŸ™‚

  12. Furry Wolfieeeeeees πŸ˜‰ Love the vid clip and your family tree is great! You are very talented song writer too Nutty ;D

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